“Maximizing Brick and Mortar Commerce” with Alex Kinnier of Upside

Title: “Maximizing Brick and Mortar Commerce”
Guest: Alex Kinnier – Upside
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC

“What the News Means Today” with Anne Mostue, Former News Anchor for Bloomberg & NPR

Title: “What the News Means Today”
Guest: Anne Mostue, Former News Anchor for Bloomberg & NPR
Interviewers: Jonathan Freedman – Mage LLC, Evan Macedo – Sapers & Wallack

“Connecting Latin American Talent” with Interlix Staffing

Title: “Connecting Latin American Talent”
Guest: Sebastian Paredes of Interlix Staffing
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman – Mage LLC

“Mass Paid Family Leave Law & FMLA” with Allan MacLean of MacLean Employment Law

Title: “Mass Paid Family Leave Law & FMLA”
Guest: Allan MacLean – MacLean Employment Law
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC

“Resetting the Poverty Cycle” with Shanti Bhavan Children’s Project

Title: “Resetting the Poverty Cycle”
Guest: Dr. Abraham George – Shanti Bhavan Children’s Project
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC

“The Next Generation of Family Business as Entrepreneur” [PART 3]: FBA Panel Discussion – Fall 2022

Title: “The Next Generation of Family Business as Entrepreneur”, Part Three
Guests: Stephen Wilchins (Wilchins, Cosentino & Novins), Rich Hirschens & Kelly Berardi (Gray, Gray & Gray), Chris Sanders (Insperity; fomerly of San-tron)
Moderator: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC

About Radio Entrepreneurs

Radio Entrepreneurs shares the stories of entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives in the interest of giving more exposure to innovative and fast-moving companies while creating a knowledge pool for the enrichment of the entrepreneurial community around the world.

The show shares daily stories of entrepreneurship from a wide variety of industries, all supported by the Radio Entrepreneurs staff, social media, the Mage team, and the show’s host, Jeffrey Davis. The conversation is their story: the story of who they are and how they became an entrepreneur.

Our mission is to bring real entrepreneurial stories to a wider public and to have the best audience for business podcast radio and video, one listener at a time.

Listen to all our shows on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Play for a wonderful source of business knowledge, motivation, and inspiration staged with an entertaining style.

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This Week’s Broadcasts

Thank you to our sponsors!

Mage logo - word Mage in green with a gray swoosh under it
Wilchins Cosentino & Novins, LLC logo, names in blue with a grey line between each name
Large blue Z with words Marc above and Legal Staffing below
the word gray, lowercase letters in dark gray, the words the power of more in all caps below the word gray - Gray Gray & Gray CPA Advisors
Tarlow Breed Hart & Rogers logo
MassTLC logo, words in bright green and blue
Lando & Anastasi logo
MassInnoV - Massachusetts Innovation Network logo
MassInnoV - Massachusetts Innovation Network logo
MassInnoV - Massachusetts Innovation Network logo

Brought to you by:

Mage logo - word Mage in green with a gray swoosh under it

Since 1983, Mage has provided emerging companies and family businesses with a broad range of consulting and organizational services that optimize individual, team, and organizational performance

white tree in a light blue square with large green capitol letters FBA next to it, Family Business Association in green all caps underneath

The Family Business Association, Inc. (FBA) is a non-profit focused on providing educational services & information to family business enterprises.

Hosted by:

Black & White profile photo of Jeffrey Davis

Jeffrey Davis

Jeffrey Davis is a founder and
host of Radio Entrepreneurs.

front & back of the bookThe 24 Hour Turnaround: How Amazing Entrepreneurs Succeed in Tough Times

Jeffrey Davis is also the co-author of The 24 Hour Turnaround: How Amazing Entrepreneurs Succeed in Tough Times. The updated edition is available now at Amazon.