Title: “In the Weeds: the Cannabis Consultant”
Guest: Jody Vukas – Smart Grow Pros
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC, Chris Tenaglia – Valiant
“In the Weeds: Energy Efficient Cannabis” with Grasshopper Farms
Title: “Energy Efficient Cannabis”
Guest: Will Bowden – Grasshopper Farms
Interviewers: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“In the Weeds: Expanding Hemp in Kenya“ with Angel Israel of Savor the World
Title: In the Weeds: Expanding Hemp in Kenya
Guest: Angel Israel – Savor the World Foundation
Interviewers: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC, Chris Tenaglia – Valiant
“In the Weeds: Industry Update“ with Chris Tenaglia of Valiant
Title: “In the Weeds: Industry Update”
Guest: Chris Tenaglia – Valiant
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“In The Weeds: Empowering Women in the Cannabis Industry” with Davina Kaonohi of ELĒMENT APŌTHĒC
Title: “Completely Cannabis: Empowering Women in the Cannabis Industry”
Guest: Davina Kaonohi – ELĒMENT APOTHĒC
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC, Shawn Nichols – Valiant
“In The Weeds: Financing Your Budding Enterprise” with Greenlight Distribution and Valiant
Title: “Completely Cannabis: Financing Your Budding Enterprise“
Guest: Dennis O’Carroll of Greenlight Distribution
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC, Shawn Nichols – Valiant
“In The Weeds: Cannabis Construction With A Focus On Sustainability” w/ Eamonn O’Kane & Chris Tenaglia of Valiant
Guests: Eamonn O’Kane & Chris Tenaglia – Valiant
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“Home Automated Cannabis Care System For A More Conscious User” w/ Carl Palme of Boundless Robotics
Guest: Carl Palme – Boundless Robotics
Interviewer: Nathan Gobes – Radio Entrepreneurs
“Traditional Methods Makes Better Bread” with John Gates of Nashoba Brook Bakery & Ermont Inc.
Guest: John Gates of Nashoba Brook Bakery & Ermont Inc.
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“CBD Infused Body Care Extracts & Oils Focused On Health” with Laura Boehner of The Healing Rose
Guest: Laura Boehner – The Healing Rose
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman – MAGE LLC