Title: “Helping Entrepreneurs Thrive”
Guest: Steve Snyder – Gesmer Updegrove
Interviewers: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC, Evan Macedo – Sapers & Wallack
“IT Minus the IT Dept” with Robert Mungovan of TeamLogic IT Needham
Title: “IT Minus the IT Dept”
Guest: Robert Mungovan of TeamLogic IT Needham
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman – Mage LLC
“Preventative Cyber Security“ with Marc Zarrella of ComputerVault
Title: “Preventative Cyber Security”
Guest: Marc Zarrella – ComputerVault
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“Leveraging Cloud to Shape the Modern Workplace” with Sumeet Sabharwal of Netgain
Title: “Leveraging Cloud to Shape the Modern Workplace”
Guest: Sumeet Sabharwal – CEO, Netgain
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman – MAGE LLC
“Giving IT Teams The Tools & Support They Need” with Yassine Zaied of Nexthink
Guest: Yassine Zaied of Nexthink
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“Why Business Owners Need To Take IT Security More Seriously” with Michael Hammond of OCD Tech
Guest: Michael Hammond – OCD Tech
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“Managed IT Services & Unlocking The Power Of Your Company” with Doug Alexander of Focus Technology
“Creating An IT Program That Focuses On Your Business Goals” with Sean Kline of TurboTek Computer
https://www.turbotekcomputer.com/ https://youtu.be/MMaUIy3OibA Title: "Creating An IT Program That...
“Bolster Your Internal IT Team For Advanced Cybersecurity Defense” w/ Al Alper of CyberGuard360
https://cyberguard360.com/ & https://www.absolutelogic.com/...
“How To Onboard Remote Employees & Protect Company Data” Scott Galbraith of Trailside Communications
https://trailsidecom.com/ https://youtu.be/nPyMOBhbO-0 Title: "How To Onboard Remote Employees...