Title: “Why Entrepreneurs Need To Be Collaborating With Each Other”
Guest: Tom Shane – Business Strategy Group, LLC
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis of MAGE LLC

Tom founded Business Strategy Group in 1993 to leverage his combination of business, legal and entrepreneurial experience and skills. After graduating from Boston College, cum laude, Tom obtained his JD from Suffolk Law School and his MBA from Babson College. Tom began his business career as one of the founders of Faded Glory, the company that introduced the concept of pre-washed high “fashion” jeans to the world. He was instrumental in both the establishment and management of the company. Tom was the co-founder, vice chairman and general counsel for Leading Edge Products, Inc., a pioneer in computer manufacturing that popularized the IBM clone strategy and which set the trend for the growth of the computer industry. After his tenure at Leading Edge, Tom founded Shane & Paolillo in 1988, at its peak a firm of 46 attorneys on both coasts, in which Tom specialized in litigation & corporate law. Tom has founded, operated and sold multiple companies including Wig Flair, acquired by US Industries (billion dollar public conglomerate), Faded Glory, acquired by a Hong Kong private equity group, Pioneer IBM clone marketer, (buyer NDA), and Shane and Paolillo, acquired by separate law firms in two of the three major cities it had offices. Tom has the experience and know-how to identify and help build companies in different industries with ground breaking products or services that materially shape a market.




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