Title: “Discussing The Worldwide Tax System”
Guest: Brooke Simpson – Blum Shapiro
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis of MAGE LLC

blumshapiro is the largest regional business advisory firm based in New England providing accounting, tax and business advisory services. Drawing upon our breadth and depth of experience in our primary service areas — non-profit organizations and educational institutions, privately held businesses and government entities — we strategically tailor and consistently deliver tested solutions for unlocking the full potential of your organization. As a partner in blum’s tax department, Brooke has over 15 years of repeated success providing tax services and sound strategic planning for U.S. and multi-national corporations. In this role, she is responsible for supporting our international clients with matters such as M&A cross-border structuring, impacts of tax reform, foreign tax credit planning, building shareholder value, and achieving critical strategic goals. Brooke has extensive experience with international structures including operations and restructurings, subpart F, foreign tax credits, repatriation, permanent establishments, transfer pricing, Section 304(a)(1) & (a)(2) transaction planning, IP planning, and debt pushdowns. She is licensed as a CPA in both Florida and Massachusetts.



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