Title: “In Depth High-Tech IP & Patent Protection”
Guest: John Anastasi – Lando & Anastasi LLP
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis of MAGE LLC and Mark Furman of Tarlow Breed Hart & Rodgers

I am one of the founders of Lando & Anastasi, LLP. I have been practicing IP law since 1992. It is my mantra to provide practical and effective IP counseling. I will work with you to secure IP protection that is consistent with your IP strategy, that maximizes your rights within your budget constraints, and whatever else you need. Just tell me what you need. My practice includes counseling, patent procurement, patent enforcement, licensing, due diligence, post grant proceedings, patentability and non-infringement opinions, trademark procurement and counseling, and litigation. I counsel clients of all sizes and technologies. In addition to a JD law degree, I have a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and seven years of engineering experience.



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