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Title: “Helping Clients Get The Success They Want”
Guest: Esther Shpitalnik – ESteem Coaching
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC

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Jeffrey (1s):
Well, hello everybody. And welcome back to Radio Entrepreneurs. I hope everyone recognizes me. I’ve been off for a period of time. I was in secret hiding out, working on clients, but also rewriting my book for a new edition. And I’m glad to be back. And I want to thank Jonathan Freedman of Mage, President of Mage LLC who sat in and did a I’m sure a better job than I would have done with the radio show. And I want to welcome Esther. I want to make sure I get this right. It’s Shpitalnik – a bit slow on the take, but I got it.

Jeffrey (41s):
Sorry. And you are founder and CEO of esteem coaching. Yes. And you are a rare breed in my world. You are an attorney that turned into sales coach, correct?

Esther (52s):
Yep. Not a sales coach, a personal success coach, but yes, I am. I like to call myself a recovering attorney.

Jeffrey (59s):
Well, I’ve met a few recovering attorneys. It did say sales coach in my notes. So I apologize for that. So tell us about your practice.

Esther (1m 9s):
Sure. Thank you so much for having me on. And as, as you introduced, I like to say I’m a recovering attorney, turned personal success coach. And what that means is I coach my clients. I help them get the results that they want through positivity, through confidence, and most importantly through mindset work. And so what is mindset work? It’s the ability to change your thoughts, change your life. So I can go into that a little bit more if you’d like. Yes, absolutely. Sure. So if you think about our thoughts, right? We get to choose our thoughts. Sometimes we don’t know that millions of thoughts come into our brain all the time, but the reality is our thoughts create our actions, create our behaviors, create our habits.

Esther (1m 54s):
And so how do we change our habits? Will we have to do it intentionally? We have to intentionally disrupt our habits. And so how do we do that? Well, we req start by recognizing the thought that has created this habit. Okay. And you might ask, well, Esther, how do you even recognizing, how do you even recognize a thought? You start by thinking about all right, what is the result that I want? What is the action that I want? What is the feeling that I want in order to have the action? And what is the thought that is driving all of this? It’s actually a cascade, right? We have a thought that creates a feeling. Maybe the thought is my business is never going to get off the ground because what will people think of me or a thought can be even something related to this interview, Jeffrey, right?

Esther (2m 45s):
It could have been, Jeffrey’s not going to email me back about this interview. And what would that feeling be would be disappointment. It would be, you know, low confidence. And then my action would have been, I might’ve never reached out to you. I might’ve never, you know, I’d be spinning my wheels and then what’s the result. Well, the result is that my business isn’t growing the result is that I didn’t get to talk to you today. But if we get to choose our thought, if I chose the thought to say, I’m going to have a great interview with Jeffrey this morning. And the feeling was confidence. The action was reaching out, setting up this call, getting ready for it, preparing.

Esther (3m 26s):
And what’s the result here we are this morning. Right.

Jeffrey (3m 31s):
You know, it sounds very evolved. It sounds like you’re using some techniques of, you know, positive visualization and cognitive psychology. Self-awareness to really help people have more control over their lives. Is that a proper way for me to interpret what you’re saying?

Esther (3m 52s):
Yeah. It’s funny. I, I’m not a psychologist. I like to say I’m a doctor, but only of Jaris, but that’s exactly it. Right? So it’s positive psychology. It’s, it’s the psychology of positivity. It’s the psychology of understanding that we have complete control over our thoughts and that positivity. And that self-awareness, as you mentioned, Jeffery, that self-awareness creates different, a different type of action then than if we weren’t self-aware and then what do actions result in the results that you want? Right.

Jeffrey (4m 30s):
Well, I’m a big fan of self-awareness and cognitive psychology for people to take responsibility, to restructure the way they do things. Yeah. How long have you been doing this?

Esther (4m 40s):
So I launched my business within the past year. I actually launched it at the height of the pandemic, which I think is the best time people might’ve thought this is a crazy, it’s the worst time to start a business. But I actually think it’s the absolute best time. I think people need coaching now more than ever, people are going through transition. You know, certainly from the work from home, everything that’s going on with the pandemic has really brought people to, to realize that they want to change or they would like to change or they need to change. So the actual business I launched within the past year, the work that I’ve been doing, I’ve, I’ve done it for several years with my friends, with, with the folks that I mentor with colleagues, just the idea that we can choose our thoughts.

Jeffrey (5m 36s):
You know, I think actually the best year, the last year is the best year because I’ve always found in the history of my business that I do better in a down economy versus an up economy in an up economy. Everybody thinks they’re smarter than they are in a down economy. People tend to overreact. And I think for good advisors consultants, they do well on, in a bad economy. Our business was dramatically up over the last year. This is not the radio show. This is our consulting firm. So, you know, and I was actually looking forward to in the COVID so that we would have a greater pace to our work, not so much intensity, but I do believe there’s great value in it.

Jeffrey (6m 17s):
Are you working alone? Yes,

Esther (6m 19s):
I am. And, and one thing I wanted to say about that to your point is I totally agree. I think in those worst of times, we really become the most resourceful. I came out of law school at the height of the last recession and in 2008 to 2011. And it just makes you so resourceful. But to answer your question, yes, I work alone. I am my own, my own boss, my own employee.

Jeffrey (6m 45s):
Well, that’s good. Well, you know who to, you know, who to talk to and who to complain to, what was I gonna say now? You did practice law for a few years. Could you tell us a little bit about what area of the law you practiced and maybe why you left the law? What was it that happened? Yeah,

Esther (7m 5s):
Absolutely. So I practiced mainly in Manhattan. I always worked in house and I practiced sports and entertainment and IP law, intellectual property. I did a lot of work on with, so initially I worked at a sports agency, so I did a lot of sponsorship, name and name, image, and likeness licensing, that kind of world. And then again, when I moved back to the Boston area where I’m originally from, I did work. I practiced again in house at a software licensing company. And the reason why I left law, to be honest, I don’t know if I ever really wanted to be a lawyer.

Esther (7m 48s):
And when I started practicing, I realized that it wasn’t my soul, wasn’t in it. I was working on agreements all day. For me, it just wasn’t scratching my soul. I don’t know how to explain it. You know, it’s like,

Jeffrey (8m 7s):
I understand the choices you make as a young person, or maybe you make, because other people want you to do is not necessarily what you do is you figure out who you really are.

Esther (8m 18s):
Yeah. Yeah. And I think some people, whether it’s for better, for worse, I think some people know that pretty quickly or pretty early on in their life lives. And I think I’ve had a pretty circuitous route. I went from practicing law to marketing, to a sales executive back to law and then started my own business. And I think if you talk to a lot, especially lawyers, if you talk, the more people you talk to in Jeffery, I mean, in your, in your, you know, radio show, you, I’m sure you hear this a lot. It’s actually more of the norm for people to switch careers, switch jobs, to really find out what they, what they were meant to do or what they really want to do. And that might ch and I, for the past few years I had said, oh, I want to be a life coach, which is essentially what I am.

Esther (9m 4s):
And I always found these excuses of why I can’t or why I won’t or why I shouldn’t, but that for the past few years, that has really been calling me. And so now that I get to do that and get to call myself that, and that’s, you know, it just gets me so jazzed.

Jeffrey (9m 21s):
Well, I think it is the survival, not of the fittest, but of the adaptable. And I think it’s an evolutionary process. The more experience you have, the better adviser you probably are. I know earlier in my career, I used to, at one point in my career, I’ve had many lives. I worked for, you know, Madison avenue, ad agencies, you know, top three for ad agencies in the world, working on fortune 500 accounts. I still, strategy’s still a really big part of every single thing I do. But I decided many years ago, I used to say to people, I got tired of convince spending millions of dollars, convincing people to eat shrimp versus chicken.

Jeffrey (10m 6s):
You know, it just was, you know, that’s not what I wanted to do, but I do believe in strategy. And I, and I’m much more focused today on the individual, the individual satisfaction, the team satisfaction work. So I agree with everything that you’re saying. So as there, if someone’s looking for your services at esteem coaching, how would they find you

Esther (10m 24s):
This way is my website Or you can find me Instagram, LinkedIn S underscore Esq, or my name estrus bottleneck best way is the website.

Jeffrey (10m 40s):
Oh, you give me some practice and I’ll say your last name as well as you can meet again. And I don’t want to remind everybody that this is a radio entrepreneurs, and I appreciate your participating today. And we hope you come back again.

Esther (10m 54s):
Thank you so much, Jeffrey. It was a pleasure and I, that this was great. Thank you so much.

Jeffrey (10m 59s):
Thank you, man. Everybody again, this is radio entrepreneurs.

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