Title: “Using Hacking for Good”
Guest: Andrew Plato – Zenaciti & Screenopolis
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Intellectual Curiosity in Cybersecurity” with Wabbi
Title: “Intellectual Curiosity in Cybersecurity”
Guest: Brittany Greenfield – Wabbi
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“AI in Risk Management” with Zara Perumal of Overwatch Data
Title: “AI in Risk Management”
Guest: Zara Perumal – Overwatch Data
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Protecting Your Business From Internal & External Threats” with Phil Sharkey of The Hire Authority
Guest: Phil Sharkey – The Hire Authority
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“The Importance Of Defending Your Company’s Data & Technology” with Don Nokes of NetCenergy
Guest: Don Nokes – NetCenergy
Interviewers: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC & John Dustin – JED Insurance
“Discussing Deep-Fakes, Ransomware, & Data Validation” with Nicos Vekiarides of Attestiv
Guest: Nicos Vekiarides – Attestiv
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman – MAGE LLC
“Cybersecurity Compliance & Taking It A Step Further” with Himanshu Vakil of Compliance+ Security
http://complianceplussecurity.com/ https://youtu.be/THOjkya2yuc Title: "Cybersecurity Compliance...