Title: “Improving Hygiene for Seniors with Technology”
Guest: Ilan Tiagai – Smart Hygiene
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Championing Disabled Leaders” with Emily Blum of Disability Lead
Title: “Championing Disabled Leaders”
Guest: Emily Blum – Disability Lead
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“Providing Help & Independence For Those With Disabilities” with Dafna Krouk-Gordon of TILL
Guest: Dafna Krouk-Gordon of Toward Independent Living And Learning
Interviewers: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC & Evan Macedo – FEI Boston / Sapers & Wallack
“Products That Empower People With Disabilities” with Diana Perkins of IncluDesign
Link To Guest Website: https://www.thelapsnap.com/Title: "Products That Empower People With...