Title: “What is your AI Strategy for 2024?”
Guest: Tyler Shannon – Hourglass Collaborative
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman – Mage LLC
Employee Training
“Trends in the Talent Pool” with Marc Z of Marc Z Legal Staffing
Title: “Trends in the Talent Pool”
Guest: Marc Z – Marc Z Legal Staffing
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Training, Training, Training” with Marc Z of Marc Z Legal Staffing
Title: “Training, Training, Training”
Guest: Marc Z – Marc Z Legal Staffing
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Addressing The Tech Talent Gap Through AI-Driven Software Training” with Eliot Pearson of Catalyte
Link To Guest Website: https://www.catalyte.io/Title: "Addressing The Tech Talent Gap Through...