Title: “Jamaican Flavors Take Ptown”
Guest: Johanne Brown – Mean Ptown Burgers
Interviewer: Jonathan Freedman – Mage LLC
“Changing Tempo on a Quincy Institution” with Rubato HK Café
Title: “Changing Tempo on a Quincy Institution”
Guest: Laurence Louie & Rary Ratsifa – Rubato HK Café
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Loyalty is Key for 3rd Gen Boston Landmark” feat. Sullivan’s Castle Island
Title: “Loyalty is Key for 3rd Gen Boston Landmark”
Guest: Christopher Lane of Sullivan’s Castle Island
Interviewers: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC, Jim Kennedy – MBA Team
“How COVID Has Affected Restaurants” w/ Dimitra Murphy of Daddy Jones Bar & Restaurant in Somerville
Guest: Dimitra Murphy – Daddy Jones Bar & Restaurant in Somerville
Interviewer: Nathan Gobes – Radio Entrepreneurs & John Dustin – JED Insurance
“Supporting Local Restaurants With A Fresh Grocery Pickup Option” w/ Ethan Pierce of Grocery Outpost
https://www.groceryoutpost.com/ https://youtu.be/ASsCWXufDzc Title: "Supporting Local Restaurants...