Title: “Changing Outcomes for Diabetics”
Guest: Wendy Slone – bTech
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Expanding Horizons For Women In STEM Fields” with Etta Jacobs and Kurt Domoney of WEST, and Javier Barrientos of Takeda
Guests: Etta Jacobs – WEST, Javier Barrientos – Takeda Kurt Domoney – WEST
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“New Expansion Yields Greater Innovations” with Alexander Margulis of The Mansfield Bio Incubator
Guest: Alexander Margulis – The Mansfield Bio Incubator
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“Advanced Synthetic Crystals Give New Opportunities” Irina Shestakova & Olivier Philip of Crytur USA
Link To Guest Website: https://www.crytur-usa.com/ https://youtu.be/KjYLr8hr3n8 Title: "Advanced...