Title: “Embracing Technology in Small Manufacturing”
Guest: Ron Gerace – Precision Design Engineering
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC
“Designing A More Universal & Cost-Effective Surgical Robotic” with Gianluca De Novi of XSurgical
Guest: Gianluca De Novi – XSurgical
Interviewer: Jeffrey Davis – MAGE LLC
“Supporting The Robotics, AI, & IoT Communities Of Massachusetts” with Tom Ryden of Mass Robotics
https://www.massrobotics.org/ https://youtu.be/tg7Inqq5Uy0 Title: "Supporting The Robotics, AI,...
“Surgical Robotics Deployable Directly to Those Who Need Them” w/ Gianluca De Novi of XSurgical
XSurgical is a company focused in developing cutting edge surgical robotics applications employing...
“An Automated & Easy-To-Use System To Grow Cannabis At Home” with Carl Palme of BoundlessRobotics
Carl is the CEO of Boundless Robotics, a company that is using robotics, artificial intelligence,...